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Walking & Jogging with BTC

Though we typed it out on a computer and uploaded it here,
Nothing beats the pleasure of reading the original write up from a 9 year old..

The Typed out version:
Hello! My name is Jhanvi Roy, and I am going to share my experience of the jogging event organized by BTC. So, first I got up early in the morning and got ready. Then we came down and sat in an auto. The auto took us till the Indiranagar metro station. Then the metro took us till Cubbon-park. First we all introduced with one another.
Then we started with the warm up and Zumba exercises. We started to jog, it was fun but then, it started becoming very tiring. While reaching the end line, we took a shortcut by which we could fast. I reached before many others. Then we did a lot of cool down exercises and shared everyone’s experience.
After that with Sandeep we went in the metro. We had juice and I had milkshake (chocolate). Then we thought of taking bus but it was too late. So we took auto and came.

Written By      : Jhanvi Roy
Organized By  : Ishan & Sandeep
Date of event  : 28th January, 2016
Place               : Cubbon Park
Members         : 13
Pictures          : BTC FB Page

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