Mullayanagiri and Baba Budanagiri: Off the Beaten Track
For the weekend, we BTC trekkers had decided to do
not only something different (read trek) but also to do it differently. So
laden with tents and sleeping bags and sleeping mats, 12 adventurers set off
from Majestic to Chikmagalur. No longer had the team comprising of Monisha,
Gaurav, Neha, Eshwar, Anish, Sudesh, Sandeep Biswas, Giri, Ankit, Saurabh,
Sandeep Paul and myself (Nasreen) settled in the TT for a beauty sleep that the
driver decided to stop for tea. To increase our energy reserve for the trek
next day, some of us decided to hog there in the middle of the night on some
unexpectedly good thatte idlis and rice bath. With stomachs filled and
satisfied, we got back for a bumpy (roadwise and headwise) ride to Chikmaglur
wherein we encountered quite a few miscalculated sleep...sorry...speed
breakers. The sound system would suddenly start blaring some very unexpected
songs of which I remember ‘tip tip barsa paani’ quite distinctly playing at
2 AM! :P
On reaching Chikmagalur quite early, we had another
round of sleep while waiting for our guide. After freshening up, we zeroed in
on Hotel Annapurna for breakfast. The breakfast seemed like a mini feast what
with Idlis, Dosas, Vadas and Kesari Baths. Soon with some sweet, savory and
spicy food memories we set out on our adventure. The TT was to drop us at the
trail start and meet us somewhere further up with our luggage and tents. So
here we got off and immediately after a few steps from start of the trail
decided to have an introduction session for the first time probably in a
U-shaped formation. Some of us were standing at some steep and uneven ground
which made it difficult to catch the names and faces.
So with the warm sun on our faces and the cool
breeze through our hairs, we started off on our mission. The trail was steeper
than we expected and soon there were a few of us lagging behind. The rising sun
was adding to the heat and with not too many trees on the trail, we were
relieved to find a spot covered with trees. Out came the almonds, chocolates
and dates! With a new stock of energy, we were on our way soon and came across
some caves. While some were curious to enter the cave, it did not help much
that the cave ended abruptly. Stories of secret passages started going around
but soon turned into grins, smiles and laughs as the cameras came out of their
hiding. The path further up seemed less sinister as the highest peak in
Karnataka was not very far now. Reaching the peak we were gifted with a
beautiful view of the other side of Mullayanagiri which is accessible by road.
The road seemed to wind around like a serpent. In comparison to the stairs
connecting the road to the peak, the trekking trail we had just taken seemed
less challenging. The hills around seemed to spread like waves. The peak has a
temple in memory of a saint who, according to legend, was buried alive there.
We went into the temple and soaked in the serenity. The temple priest was
dedicatedly making sandalwood paste for the aarti which he offered in the
temple sanctum in isolation.
After taking in the view around the hill from all
angles, we decided to move further on, mostly downhill this time. The view was
mesmerizing and in some places quite intimidating with sheer drops. At some
points, the wind would be so strong that we had to consciously keep our
balance. In the distance below we could see coffee processing units, with
coffee spread out on the ground in its different stages giving different
colours. We soon reached the checkpoint where the TT was supposed to pick us but
it was missing! And what with bad or no mobile network, the driver could not be
contacted. After some help from passersby, we got our TT back! After a short
lunch break, it was time to visit Baba Budanagiri. By now the sun was at its
scorching best as we wind our way through the steep slopes of Baba Budanagari.
The ground and grass around were black and burnt out. We came across several
snail shells which were empty, the fire probably having killed the dwellers.
Soon a lake came into sight. It was surrounded by cows on one side while a
group of people had pitched their tent on the other side. The cows didn’t seem
very friendly as they were ready to charge us anytime as Monisha will tell you :P.
After a lot of debate about the camping site, we decided to not camp near the
lake. The way back to the TT was full of stories and some unusual sights. Monisha
and me saw a lone tree near the edge of the hill and decided to give it company
for some time. The tree did hold quite a surprise. Monisha had just noticed
several nails on the tree trunk! I was horrified with thoughts of black magic
and the likes. But hey...hold on! For those of you who thought finger nails
(just as several others from the group and I thought initially), a small wave
of relief passed when I realized they were just iron nails :P. It only got our
spirits soaring while we got out our scarves and let it fly total filmy style. The
incident set off the story makers in the group. We encountered another tree on
the way with coins embedded in the trunk. Amidst all this, we reached the
camping site which was to be near the Baba Budanagiri dargah.

Things which seem normal at first can also take a
turn anytime just like our TT ride. Contrarily, our TT could not turn at a
particularly uneven and steep slope. After some nerve wracking attempts, the TT
safely climbed up the slope. We followed thereafter on foot, soaking in the
view and sun. On reaching the base of the top, we offered some huge business to
the icecream vendor what with some of us gulping down up to 3 choco bars or
cornettos! The starters at Mullayangiri
were followed by the main course in Chikmagalur. With stomachs full, it
was decided that we would give Kemengundi a miss and head straight to the Kallathi
falls at the entrance of which is a temple. Owing to human tendency, the
waterfall and the small pool of water at the base was quite crowded and
unclean. Hence we decided to do some barefoot trekking to upstream parts of the
waterfall. After getting refreshed in the cold water of one of the cleaner
waterfalls (and bath after almost 2 days), it was time to head back. Everyone
was tired by now and enjoyed a quiet lunch. Since we didn’t have much time to
spare thereafter, it was decided that we would head back to Bangalore without
the pit stop at Belur. Since the first introduction session had been quite a
hurried one, it was decided that we would have a second one while the feedback
session thereafter went on for quite some time.
Amidst the music, tiredness, food poisoning and
traffic, we were back to reality. Sandeep Biswas was welcomed to Bangalore by a
special ‘hiii’ at the toll naka :P at which he promptly slid the window shut
:D. As planned we were back on Sunday night giving us ample time to recover and
get our thoughts together for the Monday blues.
The experience was altogether new for me for I had
never been to a two-day trek before. Got the chance to meet many new trekking
enthusiasts, had some good discussions and learnt to pitch a tent securely
(yayy!). What more can you ask for in a weekend! The team was a very
enthusiastic one indeed! Next on my list: Visit Mullayangiri in winter!
Written By : Nasreen Choudhury
Organized By : Monisha & Gaurav
Date of event : 30th Jan - 31st Jan, 2016
Place : mullayanagiri and Bababudangiri, chikkamagaluru, Karnataka, India
Pictures : Album
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